Specializes in:
competitive cost,
customer service.
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The company acts mainly as a supplier of manufactured and semi-manufactured items either large or small in dimension , in cast iron, steel and aluminium material .
The Company - 45 Years of Experience!

TRAMEC SRL is an Italian company continuously growing in the developmental phase. The company is established on the market thanks to a dynamic and intuitive management team. Our customers are highly satisfied with our consistent use of technology, logistics and operative flexibility.

Mechanical Manufacturing
​The strength of our production is based on the use of high level technological equipment. This equipment is consistently renewed and managed by highly skilled & trained staff, who's permits cover a vast range on volume and dimension, as well as a large range of products according to the customer's requirements.
The mechanical working is completed inside the company through numerical control machining centres. Thanks to this elevated speed the company is able to reach a high rate of production. Because of this we're able to maintain low costs, therefore, enabling us to meet the largest variations of manufacturing and to introduce new products in response to the costumer's demand.
Quality Department

Tramec's quality system is certified ISO 9002 and ISO IATF 16949, manually regulated, which is observed in every phase of the production process. Il Sistema di qualità TRAMEC, certificato ISO 9002 e ISO IATF 16949 , si basa, oltre che su di un manuale che segue rigorosamente ogni fase del processo di lavorazione, su di una certificazione del prodotto effettuata con le migliori attrezzature metrologiche oggi disponibili, quali macchine di misura tridimensionali, rotondimetri e rugosimetri.